
Welcome to Soar Tang Soo Do! I am incredibly excited that you have found our club. As we continue training, please do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have. Our goal is to prepare you to become a black belt, but that means you must train hard. Remember, Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude – SOAR!

Who are we?

Soar TSD is a World Tang Soo Do Association sanctioned Club and a US Army Chapel sponsored program. The focus of our martial arts school is on physical fitness, spiritual fitness, character development, and self-defense. Our overarching objective is to build our student’s character to reflect that of God Almighty’s glory. When you become a martial arts student, you join a community that works together towards whole-person improvement through increased physical strength, flexibility, and stamina, better focus and concentration, greater self-discipline, competency in self-defense, and increased self-confidence.

How do we do this?

For us at Soar Tang Soo Do, the practice of martial arts means respecting each other, encouraging and supporting each other, celebrating each other’s successes, and helping one another through difficulties. Soar Tang Soo Do joins your journey toward black belt.

Self-defense is emphasized, but it’s always tempered with the training on how to seek alternatives to conflict. Soar Tang Soo Do is committed to teaching the physical skills while applying attitude-shaping exercises aimed at bringing out the best character and physical potential in each student.

World Tang Soo Do Association

The WTSDA intends to preserve its heritage and value as a traditional way or path. In today’s hectic society, there is no doubt that we need self-defense skills. Equally important are physical fitness and methods for the release of daily stress—No matter whether you are seeking self-defense, better health, physical fitness or discipline, our Tang Soo Do can meet your needs. However, Tang Soo Do has its own unique character which differentiates it from any other form of martial arts or martial sports. Tang Soo Do not only teaches physical techniques but also trains us to practice the “DO” (way of life) through practice of the five virtues: Humanity, Righteousness, Etiquette, Wisdom and Trust. When we reach the ultimate level of “DO”, we can live in perfect harmony with the laws of nature.
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Region 1

WTSDA Region 1 is directed by Master Becky Wolverton (5th Dan) of Garberville, CA and is comprised of certified studios in Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Hawaii, Montana, and Northern California.

Jae Chul Shin

Grandmaster Jae C. Shin (b.1936–d.2012) is the founder of the World Tang Soo Do Association.
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Robert E. Beaudoin

Grandmaster Beaudoin (b.1942–d.2020) served as WTSDA president from 2012 – 2020 until his passing.
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Bill Strong

Grandmaster Strong is the current WTSDA president.
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